LBC Summer 2020 Policies
Per Washington State Guidance, high-risk populations are discouraged from using any Water Recreation Facility until Phase 4 is achieved. This includes people 65 years or older and people of any age with health conditions. We appreciate that the language used by the State is persuasive rather than a strict prohibition, and persons within this population may elect to disregard the Guidance at their own risk. LBC Members in this populationare urged to please follow the WA State Guidance.
Entering LBC
All staff and members will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before entering to keep those with symptoms out of the facility. COVID-19 symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
No staff with a fever and other symptoms of COVID-19 should come to work.
No members with a fever and other symptoms of COVID-19 should enter LBC.
Signage will be provided to discourage staff and members from entrance if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19.
Staff and patrons who develop COVID-19 symptoms while at the facility should be isolated and medical treatment called if necessary, for them to be assisted exit unaided. Disinfect surfaces touched by them.
Physical Distancing
No activities may be allowed unless six-foot distancing can be maintained. Members are being asked to self-manage this safety protocol as they know who is in their household/quarantined group.
Lifeguards will not manage social distancing.
Always maintain six-foot physical distancing for employees and members in all phases. This applies to all parts of the facility: water, decks, bathrooms, shower rooms, and other communal areas.
Patrons must maintain the six-foot physical distancing in the water, locker rooms, shower rooms, bathrooms, and other communal areas. This may be accomplished by controlling the number of people using the facility, providing visual cues such as markings on the floor, etc. Close communal areas if that is an option.
Personal Hygiene
Staff and patrons are encouraged to protect themselves and others.
Wash hands often with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds.
Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
Face coverings such as masks and cloth coverings to cover the nose and the mouth are highly recommended while not in the water or shower.
Using a mask while in water is not recommended due to difficulty breathing through a wet mask and other safety concerns.
Stay home if you are sick. Stay home as much as possible. Follow Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy order.
Environmental Hygiene
We will ensure frequent cleaning for high-touch surfaces. Examples of high-touch surfaces include but not limited to: Door handles, locker handles, faucets, drinking fountains, toilets, shower handles, diaper changing stations, light switches, pens, chairs, tables, desks, handrails, pool noodles, and kickboards.
Store cleaning products properly away from small children except in the case of products used by members.
Limit Access to Facility
Screen all staff and members for COVID-19 symptoms and keep those with symptoms out of the facility. COVID-19 symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.
Have a policy in place to exclude staff and patrons who develop COVID-19 symptoms while at the facility, isolate them, call for medical treatment if necessary, and to disinfect surfaces touched by them.
Discourage access to the facility by patrons who may be infectious by providing signage at the entrance, Information handout, verbal instruction, or whatever method works best for your facility.
No one staff with a fever and other symptoms of COVID-19 should come to work.
All staff should wash their hands at the start of a rotation.
Always maintain minimum six-foot separation between all employees (and customers) in all interactions unless strict physical distancing is not feasible for lifesaving measures. At that time other prevention measures are required, such as use of
Soap and hand sanitizer will be provided
Education provided to staff in orientation about coronavirus and how to prevent transmission and the LBC’s COVID-19 policies for how to protect themselves and others while working.
The following guidelines are designed to minimize the chance of disease transmission during training. These guidelines address how life guarding can be done with social distancing in place.
Review written lifeguarding plans. Plans include protection of lifeguards, staff, and patrons from COVID-19 transmission in addition to typical lifeguard requirements.
Lifeguards need to stay focused on monitoring members for water-safety-related risks. They will not be asked to enforce physical distancing or any other COVID-19 related rules to patrons as that would distract them from lifesaving duties.
Lifeguards will be provided with gloves, and protective facemasks at the start of the summer. Replacement items will be made available as needed.
Facemasks are to be worm in the guard shack when 6 feet can not be maintained and when performing non life saving duties.
A minimum of 6 feet of separation of lifeguards and members will be maintained whenever possible.
There will be no person-to-person contact involving simulations for choking, rescue breathing, CPR, or bleeding control (direct pressure and bandaging). CPR/RB/FBAO-related skills will be performed only on manikins, including Heimlich Maneuver.
Equipment will be disinfected by participants between uses. Participants will use their own resuscitation masks when practicing and performing their job. The mask/valve with be disinfected following each use.
Individual and Team Personal Protective Kits Individual response (hip) packs should contain:
Protective masks
Hand sanitizer
Resuscitation mask
Life saving device