Fattie Fleet
LBC Fattie Fleet is a swimming group for women aged 18 and over. We would love to have you join us! Past and present Fattie Fleet members are welcome to come to all events during the summer.
The Fattie Fleet began in 1956 when a group of women with young children wanted to share care while they swam laps at the beach. The name was inspired by the “Flattie” boats, and then an unknown husband in the day coined “Fattie Fleet”. The name stuck! There was a short-lived effort to rename us “Laurelhurst Lappers”, but it didn’t take.
How it works
The group meets to swim or walk as many laps as they can during the summer — some members swim up to 800 laps!
Laps can be performed by swimming or by aerobic walking in knee-deep water between the dock and the catwalk.
At the midsummer luncheon members who have completed 100 laps by July 29th are recognized and first-time members earn the coveted Blue Towel, a badge of honor.
Why you should join
You will stay healthy, meet friends, and be a part of history. The best and biggest thing you get from participating in the Fattie Fleet is the camaraderie. You will meet friends for life of all ages. We still have some original members with us! Our goal is for all households in the LBC area to have a member of Fattie Fleet.
How to join
Email one of the Queen Fish:
Attend the coffee kickoff (see events below).
You must be an LBC member and a woman aged 18 or over to join.
Upcoming Fattie Fleet events
Kickoff Coffee, June 10th @ 11 am on the Adult Deck
Sign up via email to either Queen Fish or the website. Record your laps upstairs on board.
Swim 100 laps by August 1 to earn your blue towel!
Potluck Luncheon on Wednesday, August 2 at Noon on the lawn.
Join us anytime!
And now!